A feature which surprisingly does not exist on Google Maps

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A feature which surprisingly does not exist on Google Maps

I need to find pizza places near my religious organization, so that I can bring pizza to the gathering before it gets cold. Google Maps does not have this feature, at least not on their desktop web interface. What the fuck? You would think it is one of the most basic features which they would have added a long time ago.

I can type "pizza near <address>" and it will show pizza places vaguely near the address, but the problem is it does not place a marker for the address itself, so I cannot visually judge how close/far the pizza place is from the address. Fuck Google.
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Re: A feature which surprisingly does not exist on Google Maps

It looks like the interface changed and now I do see there is a nearby button. I swear the interface changed. It was completely different just a minute ago. Maybe they were doing A/B testing on me.