A good alternative is needed to Jupyter Notebooks

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A good alternative is needed to Jupyter Notebooks

A lot of people in science like the concept of the Jupyter Notebook, but the problem is that Jupyter notebook is developed by modern scum so it is overcomplicated crap from a technical standpoint.

Here is the source:


At my last workplace they used Jupyter notebooks and they were always broken, and the programmer scum would blame IT (and eventually got the whole group fired), when really the problem was with the shitty Jupyter Notebook software all along.

If someone could develop an alternative to Jupyter Notebooks that actually works, there would be scientists who would use it out of necessity, because the real Jupyter Notebook is often very difficult or impossible to get "working".

Basically all Jupyter Notebook is is a web server that runs an interface where users can write and run blocks of python code. The blocks of code are called "cells", and each cell can be run independently. Also, the memory is retained after you run a cell, so if you run a cell that increments a variable, then if you run that cell a 2nd time it will increment that variable a 2nd time. That's about it really.

So if someone is looking for a project to work on, maybe try creating a non-shitty alternative to Jupyter Notebook.
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Re: A good alternative is needed to Jupyter Notebooks

Actually that repo appears simple because they hide the complexity by putting it into different repos. Here is the real repo:

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Re: A good alternative is needed to Jupyter Notebooks

Actually even the Jupyter server doesn't look as complicated as I thought it would be. Not sure why it sucks so bad. Maybe the complexity is being hidden in yet another package. Or maybe it is the fault of the Tornado server which it relies on.
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Re: A good alternative is needed to Jupyter Notebooks

In reply to this post by OmegaKV

sample code to run:
local Luan = require "luan:Luan.luan"
local error = Luan.error
local range = Luan.range or error()
local Io = require "luan:Io.luan"
local print = Io.print or error()

for i in range(1,10) do


a = 1
a + 1

Is this more than a few days work?
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Re: A good alternative is needed to Jupyter Notebooks

The Jupyter notebook has a few more features like you can add/delete cells, and inline plotting. Here is a demo of it:


The add/delete cells would be trivial to implement. But the inline plotting may be more involved, but still probably not too hard. You would just use matplotlib's feature to export the plot as a png and then display that. I may try to bring in an intern to work on this.