Biblic Judaism / Biblic Jew

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Biblic Judaism / Biblic Jew

I don't think these two terms are clear.

According to What is Biblic Judaism? Biblic Judaism is "a new attempt".

Does this mean a religion/sect that people will use as a noun/label to identify under like Christan/Jew/Muslim?

Or does it mean a process that people will use as a verb like evangelizing?

I think both "Biblic Judaism" and "Biblic Jew" should be available as nouns/labels.

In 3. Make the Declaration there is no reference to "Biblic Judaism" or "Biblic Jew" when saying "my people". Since there is no reference there's no label associated with "my people" in the declaration. Since there's no label associated with "my people" there's no way to identify your people by group name. It's possible that someone can make the declaration but when they meet someone who identifies as a "Biblic Jew" they will not know what that means and therefore won't know that they are their "people".

This is a possible problem. Should we consider adding something to the declaration that references Biblic Jews?

Here's on possibility:


The god of the Hebrew Bible is my god.

The people who keep the Sabbath, who dress modestly and have no tattoos, and who make this declaration sincerely are Biblic Jews.

Biblic Jews are my people.


Then we can change the Q/A to:

Q.  Who is your god?

A.  The god of the Hebrew Bible is my god.

Q.  Who are Biblic Jews?

A.  People who keep the Sabbath, who dress modestly and have no tattoos, and who make this declaration sincerely are Biblic Jews.

Q. Who are your people?

A.  Biblic Jews are my people

This also removes the confusion about "sincerely" incorrectly meaning "sincerely are my people" instead of the correct meaning, which is "who make this declaration sincerely".

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Re: Biblic Judaism / Biblic Jew

Another possibility is having 2 educational questions and two personal questions.

The education questions are "what" questions.

The personal questions are "who" questions.

The "what" questions answer what something is.

The "who" questions answer if you are that something.

It can be:


Biblic Judaism is living by the God of the Hebrew Bible.

The God of the Hebrew Bible is my god.

People who keep the Sabbath, who dress modestly and have no tattoos, and who make this declaration sincerely are Biblic Jews.

Biblic Jews are my people.


Q.  What is Biblic Judaism?

A.   Biblic Judaism is living by the God of the Hebrew Bible.

Q   Who is your God?

A.   The God of the Hebrew Bible is my god.

Q.   What are Biblic Jews?

A.   People who keep the Sabbath, who dress modestly and have no tattoos, and who make this    declaration sincerely are Biblic Jews.

Q. Who are your people?

A.  Biblic Jews are my people.

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Re: Biblic Judaism / Biblic Jew

I changed my mind on this. It's too wordy. I prefer just using the current format with the interrogative words "who". We can just assume everyone knows what these two terms map to.