Churches/mosques never respond to my messages

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Churches/mosques never respond to my messages

I found a church online in my city that seemed scriptural and conservative. The pastor of that church is black and the congregation looks multiracial based on the pictures, so I thought maybe I would fit in there.

The church also aggressively proselytizes, and Google reviews are filled with 1-star reviews from people from the poor black area they proselytize in, who are angry about the proselytism. So when I wrote my message to them, I thought they would be thrilled that I, a potential convert to Christianity, am interested in their church, since gaining converts seems to be their mission.

But they never responded to my message.

There are pictures online of them bringing a bus full of kids from a poor black neighborhood to their church. But they don't want me!

Bahais do this too, they have a van they use to pick up kids from poor blacks neighborhoods. But the Bahais don't give a damn about me.

What's the deal with all the religious organizations fighting over the poor blacks?

Why do they turn their nose up at people serious about religion like myself?
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Re: Churches/mosques never respond to my messages
