Does technology cause genetic decay?

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Does technology cause genetic decay?

There is some threshold of eyesight where impact of eyesight on survival becomes negligible. Evolution will tend towards this threahold. But with the invention of eyeglasses, this threshold was reduced. Now people with bad eyesight genes can just wear glasses and get by just as well as people with good eyesight. So the selection pressure for good eyesight has been eliminated. And future generations will just get worse and worse eyesight and be totally dependent on eyeglasses.

Recall also that the human appendix has become vestigial, as a result of generations of humans cooking their food, reducing the need for the function of the appendix.

Is this how things really work? Will the humans of the future be cripples by our standards, because technology removes the selection pressure to be able-bodied?
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Re: Does technology cause genetic decay?

The way humans are the way they are because of our need for group living and tools. With the decline of modern civilization the cycle will begin again. Have you done anything to prepare for the conflict yet to come?
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Re: Does technology cause genetic decay?

Secular Koranism
In reply to this post by OmegaKV
The pill incited widespread fornication leading to widespread bastardy.

Convicted prisoners are overwhelmingly from fatherless homes brought up by their never married mothers whose parents would be treated as sex offenders if were in force. The only way to for 24:2 of the Koran to be in force is to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America.

Is the logic of supporting such a constitutional amendment something this forum would support to prevent further degeneracy and decline of the West?
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