Elon Musk should be in prison

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Elon Musk should be in prison

Almost all he does is come up with harebrained ideas that real innovators have rejected and make worthless promises to somehow magically make them work in order to raise money in techno-ponzi scheme Elizabeth Holmes type fashion. The only reason he is not already bankrupt and in prison is the banksters keep sending money his way. It shows how ridiculous it is to think he is a good guy. He is totally dependent on the approval of bad guys.
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Re: Elon Musk should be in prison

There are quite a few really stupid ideas Elon has pretended were viable to steal money. Electric trucks, electric planes, the "hyperloop", travel to Mars, that stupid tunnel to relive traffic thing etc. He has also failed at potentially viable things being built by real companies such as human-like robotics and driverless cars. He is a completely laughable buffoon in every sphere of life. Obviously the PTB have nefarious plans for him, just like with Kill Gates.
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Re: Elon Musk should be in prison

I really hope Musk and his various scam enterprises go bankrupt like this guy says and the suckers who invested in the scams lose all their money and their credibility, and Musk himself spends the rest of his rotten life in prison.
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Re: Elon Musk should be in prison

Does anyone have a theory of why Elon is not in prison. Given that he is such as obvious, out in the open con man and on the face of it the worst businessman in the world, what nefarious purpose is served by the establishment promoting him?