Exercising your right to irritate women

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Exercising your right to irritate women

I have a theory that the appropriate way to respond to passive aggressive behavior from women is to irritate them, within socially acceptable channels. Women often do crap to make it clear they don't want to be confronted by you. My theory is that although a good man's instinct would be to respect this, the best thing to boost your social status would be to respond to this by looking for socially acceptable ways to confront her, and if you find one then act on it. Your goal is to put her in a position where she is so irritated by you that she wants to start chimping out, but you have created social conditions such that she is forced to either be polite to you, or embarrass herself by unjustifiedly acting rude.

Example: if a woman has a bitch face and doesn't make eye contact with you, you would confront her act friendly and make some kind of small talk with her.

Then she has to choose between being a mega bitch and continuing to act rude, or changing her attitude. Whatever the response, I think you would look like the good guy to any young female bystanders. Note you have to speak with normie cadence, and not the slightest unconventional mannerisms, or else you will be labeled a "creep", and any rude behavior of the woman towards you would be seen as justified. I would have to drink alcohol in order to pull this off.
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Re: Exercising your right to irritate women

I did not knew for long time that not making eye contact is considered offensive.
The biggest freedom for me is to accept myself and just act as I feel.
Basically your plan - to act like a normie implies the fact that they are higher in social hierachy.
What I do - I disrespect all unwritten rules, and act in normal range, but say what I think and don't give a fuck.
Some of the people like that way and open up too, some of them just back down.

You being yourself without trying to fit into the normal lines is already irritating the people who assume that everybody should fall in line. You know those old people at family gatherings who say the most awkward shit? They have nothing to lose. I like that.
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Re: Exercising your right to irritate women

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
This is silly.  When a woman starts screaming at you, modern scum will side with the woman regardless of anything else.  I know because my hobby at parties when I was single was making women explode.  And I didn't care what anyone thought, I just enjoyed triggering bitches.