Humans and god

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Humans and god

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Humans are innately selfish, we act based off our own desires no matter what it might do to the other person.

Why do you have friends? An inexperienced person would say something like 'i like their character' or 'because they're funny'. This is only in the front line of what's happening. Unconsciously, you are their friend because they provide something either you can't or most of the other people can't. For example, they might make you look good in front of others and you might have something they want.

Now friendship has turned into a wrapper around the term 'value exchange', things have become more meaningless. It seems you are just being used for something while you are doing the exact same thing.

With this in mind the best kind of people you can be friends with are truly religious people. If you are true to yourself, religious friends won't betray you, truly religious people are loyal if you are loyal. They act based of god, not their desires which I like. Of course there can be some exceptions but it's rare to come across a trustworthy person in your teenage years. The religious people I have met so far are boring but that's not what this is about, it's about trust worthiness. I know in full certainty they wouldn't betray me and I wouldn't betray them.

I am still in school so I need to provide some kind of value to make friends which I have succeeded in. They are not so boring so this is the value exchange, they make me look good in front of others and give me amusement and I do the same in return. If I fail to keep them amused, they have no reason to be friends with me and vice versa.

The term 'value exchange' can also be used for relationships and any human interaction in life.