I fucking hate working with Americans

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I fucking hate working with Americans

My workplace has lots of foreigners from Europe and Asia. There are Americans too but foreigners are overrepresented. I have noticed that my interactions with Americans are all unbearable. They don't like me, and I don't like them. Americans have a certain extraverted personality, and they expect everyone else to be extraverted, charismatic, emotive. Most cultures view interrupting people as being rude. But Americans get upset when you don't interrupt them. If you don't interrupt, this means you have nothing to say and are therefore stupid. So American conversations are always a contest to interrupt the other person to prove to them that you understand what is going on. And if you fail this interrupting game you are deemed incompetent and they will ask your boss to replace you with a charismatic interrupter.

Today I was doing some work for an American and he would not pause when he was talking so I never got an opportunity to ask him any questions. Then mid-sentence he said that I was not asking questions and this meant I did not understand what he was saying and he went to get my boss so that he could "translate". In reality, I knew what he wanted and the thing he was asking for was trivial, but he just would not shut the fuck up so I never got the opportunity to say anything to him. God I hate Americans so much. I like working with Chinese, Italians, Germans much better.