I got robbed

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I got robbed

I was trying to look for another brothel but it was closed. Then a group of these thugs approached me trying to push me to go to their nightclub/brothel. My first instinct was to resist but then I looked inside and saw ordinary people having a good time.

I went inside and they presented me with a hot young girl. They tried to offer me alcohol but I declined. They gave it anyway but I didn't drink. Later on they offered me a small bag of cocaine but I declined that too.

I went with the girl and all in all I was quoted $200000 which is like $40. I was unable to enjoy it or get an erection because such a thuggish environment gave me extreme anxiety. So despite the fact that this was the most attractive and youngest girl I ever had sex with, I was not able to enjoy it at all.

At the end the thugs come in the room and grab my wallet and tell me I need to pay them. They gave me the wallet and told me to give them my credit card. I insisted on paying cash but they said I do not have enough. I asked them how much. They said 1000000 pesos, which is around $200. I said they never told me anything about this. But I felt like they could beat me up or kill me if I tried not to so I gave them my card. Then the guy took the money in my wallet, saying half would be paid by cash and part by credit card.

I am looking at my bank statement and I see a charge of $585, which is way more than even what they told me they were going to scam me. I hope to try to dispute it when I am back in the USA, but I am terrified of disputing it in Colombia. I am worried they will see me walk down the street and kill me or something.

This sucks. I thought carrying a credit card wouldn't be a problem because only established places like McDonalds seem to accept them here. But I guess the thugs here are able to process them as well. I will just carry a wallet with cash from now on. Even my phone I will try to leave home because they could use it as collateral.
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Re: I got robbed

I forgot this in the post but after they robbed me, the thugs chased me down to give me 42000 of the pesos they stole from me back so that I could afford a cab ride home. I guess at least these thugs were nice enough to do this.
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Re: I got robbed

I got robbed a second time. Shit. I will stop seeing prostitutes now. Just not worth the trauma of getting robbed