I will become a cult leader by using alcohol

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I will become a cult leader by using alcohol

Even though alcohol does wonders for me when it comes to socializing and being comfortable around young women, without a venue for meeting young women alcohol has little value. There is one Bahai event that is well attended by young women, but it only happens once a year, so for meeting women there is only 1 event per year that alcohol can help me in.

That being said, although there are almost no opportunities to meet young women in the Bahai community, there are at least opportunities to meet people. And one becomes a cult leader by networking with people. So if alcohol helps me network with people and become a cult leader, then I can use my status as a cult leader to create venues for meeting young women, and then I will be set.

Tonight I have a teleconference meeting with an idolatrous Bahai in my area. She is one of the younger Bahai women, a few years older than me, and she is married and has a young child. She will be teleconferencing me to encourage me to follow the idolatrous plans of the Bahai administration. Normally I dislike talking to her, but maybe if I drink alcohol before talking to her we will get along. If she becomes an ally, this could potentially help me a lot to become a cult leader.
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Re: I will become a cult leader by using alcohol

I think you are losing your god damn mind