If you want a Western female

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If you want a Western female

The trouble with relationships with Western females, other than the related fact that they are horrible monsters, is that you are competing for them with the regime. Therefore you have to be providing something that the regime doesn't provide and won't force you to provide.

An example of this is a YouTuber called Durianrider. Effectively his offer to girlfriends is as follows. He is a fitness trainer and will train them to be waiflike models. He will then feature them on his channel. This will cause them to be deluged with messages from simps wanting to marry them and such and with paid product offers so they can earn money. They also get a fairly leisurely travelled life that they wouldn't get with the average working stiff. Hence they get stuff from him that they would credit him for but he doesn't directly need to pay for, that the government doesn't provide any equivalent of and that the government can't force him to keep providing if they split. This is the way to go.
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Re: If you want a Western female

It's like an annoying waitress, who knows her job is just to put food on your table, and this is all you want, but she needs extra money so she starts doing a bunch of quirky annoying shit in an attempt to go "above and beyond" because what else can she do to try to get you to leave a big tip? Dating as a man in the West has the same level of patheticness.
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Re: If you want a Western female

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Re: If you want a Western female

I don't even have female friends. Western women in general refuse to have platonic friendships with Indian or Middle Eastern looking men. They avoid interactions with us because we give them "creepy vibes". Also, they view us as being of an inferior culture, and they are worried that if they befriend us they will end up getting "sucked into" this inferior culture.
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Re: If you want a Western female

Yeah well you're lucky. Start creating the Bahai equivalent of a Durienrider-like environment and the females you can have sex with will manifest themselves.
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Re: If you want a Western female

In reply to this post by SkydustMemory
SkydustMemory, indeed hating all women as a demographic is logically flawed because not all women have the same goals, the same personality, etc. If you look on social media you can find a lot of women who suck. But talking with women in real life will show that not all of them suck. You only get to see a few dozen of the most popular people on social media each day. In the real world you can see potential millions of different women who are not popular and do not have the goal to be popular. Online =/= real life.