Is anyone happier because of ChatGPT?

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Is anyone happier because of ChatGPT?

Think back to when people started to seriously use the internet in the 90s. They were for the first time connected to the world. They could communicate online with people from countries they never previously had contact with. They could research topics from the comfort of their own home instead having to go to the library. They could download music. They could get directions to a location they wanted to travel to instead of having to use a map. It allowed people to shop online, and buy obscure products that would normally be difficult to find. The internet is a tool that genuinely brought happiness to people.

Now let's compare that to the main innovation of our current decade: ChatGPT. How has or will ChatGPT make anyone's life happier? All I see it doing is just laying off some people with writing jobs and translation jobs, and making a few corporate executives rich. Will anyone else be happier as a result of ChatGPT?