Men who can think critically about religion

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Men who can think critically about religion

I have mentioned before that I have a Bahai friend who shares similar theological views about the Baha'i religion as myself. He is irrational and degenerate in some ways, gets upset for stupid reasons, and is a liberal. But he is able to think critically about theological topics, and he can for the most part be reasoned with.

My friend is a true American, born into a WASP family, and having served in the US army. And yet all the girlfriends he has had have been foreign. He met his wife in the US but she is a Filipina who is 10 years older than him. Why hasn't he had an American girlfriend?

I am starting to wonder if the thing American women hate is men who can think critically about religion. Women must have some way of telling if you are a theologian/philosopher by means of physiognomy. The face is a reflection of the brain, so if you have the mind of a theologian this should be detectible from your face or posture or something. American women see in your face that you are someone who can think critically about religion and it causes them to not want to have anything to do with you.
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Re: Men who can think critically about religion

You can have all the theories you want. Bottom line is: you don’t have the qualities modern women desire
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Re: Men who can think critically about religion

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
I don't think religion matters.  Being able to think critically about anything is the issue.  The incels that I knew when I was younger were all intelligent atheists who didn't think much about religion.  And that includes me.