Modern Technology

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Modern Technology

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Whenever I say that I hate modern culture, people inevitably respond with things like "Then why are you on the internet?".  This misses two points.  First, technology is not culture.  And second, that almost all the technology we use was developed before 2000.  Just compare what was developed from 1980 to 2000 versus 2000 to now.  Between 1980 to 2000 we got the public internet, the Web, HTML, HTTP, cellphones, CDs, contact lenses, and many other things.  Since 2000?  We got JSON and better interactive maps.  I can't think of anything else of value.  Why is this?  Because Western culture has degenerated into pure evil.  It is utterly incapable of producing anything of value.  Here is a typical example of what modern culture produces.

As a programmer I see this in code all the time.  This week I ran into a simple example that illustrates everything that I want to say.  I am working on a very boring project and I was worried that I am spending too much time procrastinating and not enough time working.  So I wanted a stopwatch to time how much time I am working.  Naturally I started by googling "stopwatch".  Almost all of the ones that show up aren't persistent which means that if I close the page, I lose the time.  So they are no good.  I found one that is persistent but I couldn't tell if it keeps hours.  All these stopwatches show milliseconds which is a stupid and useless feature.  These days I naturally assume that if I actually want something useful, I won't find it because everything that modern culture produces is useless, so I generally just make my own.  And that is what I did.

But the story doesn't end here because, thanks to the design of the Web, you can see the HTML source code of any web page.  You should be able to figure out how to get your web browser to show you the source of web pages.  Don't worry if you don't understand it, you should still see what I mean.  Go ahead and google "stopwatch" and go to some pages and then look at the source code of these pages.  Then go to my stopwatch and look at the source code.  I don't think you have to be a programmer to see the difference.  Why doesn't anyone else besides me write clean readable code?  Because they are members of modern culture, they are pure evil, and they hate simplicity and readability, and they love complexity.  May all these programmers burn in hell where they belong.
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Re: Modern Technology

Actually there is one significant recent change from technology.  That is the brain damage that it causes children.