My fantasy

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My fantasy

I was feeling depressed all day about how I have been treated in America, and how much I hate Americans for how they have treated me. My sadness today was almost unbearable. But then I had a fantasy which for the first time today made me feel a little better.

I imagined that one day the US gets invaded by a horde of Muslims. A man looks around and says "Where are all these guys in turbans coming from?! What is happening?!" Just then a Muslim rides past by him on horseback and cuts his head off.

A group of Muslims corner a pretty blonde girl, who was homecoming queen of her high school. Terrified, she screams for her boyfriend to come and save her. The hunky football player runs to her aid, saying "You fucking talibans are going to die! No one messes with my girl!" But then the Muslims just cut his head off, and lock the pretty blonde girl in a cage, where she will spend the rest of her youth as a sex slave for Muslims.

Then after all the men are slaughtered, and all the young women are forced into sex slavery, the Muslims declare America to be a new caliphate, and the everyone lives happily every after.

This is really the kind of future America needs in order for the world to be a tolerable place again. The only thing that keeps me from being depressed beyond belief is the hope that one day, perhaps in the distant future, something like this will happen.
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Re: My fantasy

Prepare for you Colombia trip. Calm your ass down
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Re: My fantasy

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
Did they kill you too?
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Re: My fantasy

Who cares? This is the future that is best for the world. I am just one person.
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Re: My fantasy

You had this fantasy because you were sad about the way you were treated. You would be sad too if you were killed.

If you are now suggesting that you wouldn't care if you were killed, then that would imply you should have died with them in the fantasy, yet you did not.

In your fantasy you survived, while in reality you would have been killed too. Because the fantasy you had did not include your death, that means that you wanted to survive, despite your claiming "Who cares?"

Claiming that you don't care about dying moves the goalpost of your original fantasy. Which is an important distinction to make because it suggests you want to be the one in power. But in your eyes that is impossible, it can only happen in a fantasy where everyone but you is killed by Muslims.

If you truly wanted destruction of our world in favor of the future you want, then you would have died in the end. This would be an end that would be a real self-fulfilling prophesy (as it would be accurate to reality). That would have been a really cool fantasy and you would have been a hero. Instead your fantasy tried and failed to paint you as a hero.

None of my writing even matters because you already know all of this and won't admit it online, despite living in an anonymous world. But you think it looks cooler if you say "Who cares?" Which is also pointless because, again, anonymous world and no one knows who you are.