Next Steps

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Next Steps

I am not in a big rush to post to .  I will make a few posts each Sabbath and it will slowly be populated.

I would like to clean up the relationship between this site and first.  This is more urgent because I will let die which means links to there will be broken.  My plan is to rename this forum from "Off Topic" to just "Noise" and create another forum at the top level called "Free Speech Zone" where I will copy posts from .  Does this make sense?
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Re: Next Steps

That's fine.

Two questions:

1) If I want to post stuff that is sensitive to religious or more mainstream people where should this be put? "Free Speech Zone"?

2) If I want to post stuff about recruiting efforts for KeepTheSabbath that is similar to what you explained about the tefillin should this be put under "Noise" on BiclicalJudaism?
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Re: Next Steps

Drealm wrote
1) If I want to post stuff that is sensitive to religious or more mainstream people where should this be put? "Free Speech Zone"?
Considering that I have "Against Women's Suffrage" in the main forum, I wouldn't worry about sensitivity.  The more important question is whether it is relevant to Biblic Judaism.  A post like "The Rise and Fall of Christian Culture" has nothing to do with Biblic Judaism, so it goes in "Free Speech Zone"

2) If I want to post stuff about recruiting efforts for KeepTheSabbath that is similar to what you explained about the tefillin should this be put under "Noise" on BiclicalJudaism?