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The other day I saw a cockroach in my bathroom. I was going to just ignore it, but then I looked at it and it was just so gross looking so I decided to spray it with some bleach. It then fell on it's back and had some kind of seizure, and after a couple of minutes it died.

In that moment that cockroach must have hated me like the Palestinians hate the Israelis. It was just going about its life, minding its own business, not intent on harming anyone. And then I come along and decide to murder it, just because I didn't like the way it looks.

This got me thinking, if there is a God of the universe, then whose side was he on? Was he on the innocent cockroach's side, or was he on my side? It seems to me like beings have interests, and when their interests conflict they fight each other, that is all there is to it. No good or bad in a universal sense. Which would also mean there is no such thing as providence.
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Re: Nihilism

I suppose the concept of a soul may potentially resolve this. Only humans have souls so God was on my side because the cockroach doesn't have a soul so it does not matter.