Observation: White South Africans do not have tattoos

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Observation: White South Africans do not have tattoos

It's something that stand out to me as I walk through the shopping malls here. South Africans (black and white) in general do not have tattoos. I am especially surprised that White South Africans do not have tattoos, because I thought White South African culture is just an extension of Western culture, and most people from Western countries seem to have tattoos.

Someone who is white should try visiting South Africa to see if he can get a nice white woman there. I only get attention from black women here, but I think that it may just have to do with the fact that I am not white and White South Africans are very racist towards non-whites. You don't even see whites here who have black friends, or even indian friends for that matter. In America it is at least common to see interracial friendships.
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Re: Observation: White South Africans do not have tattoos

I considered that but aside from the other issues, apparently white SA women tend to be selfish lazy parasites given that all the woman type work was traditionally done by low wage blacks. Even if you rescued one from destitution, she would likely be grateful for about a month and then expect you to support her in royal opulence.