Online Synagogue Service ~ Saturdays 1pm PST

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Online Synagogue Service ~ Saturdays 1pm PST

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Our online synagogue for men starts on Saturday at 1:00 pm PST (see your local time) but I get online at least 30 minutes earlier.  It is held on Skype.  Connect to Skype ID biblic.judaism .

The service simply consists of reading the parsha (Torah reading) for the week in English.  You can find the parsha by going here:

And then clicking on the "Text of Parshah (Hebrew & English Linear Translation)" link.  We take turns reading each portion and then discuss each portion after reading it.

This service is open to all men regardless of your religion.
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

I was planning to attend the 26th, but I just realized my father's birth day is on that day. It would work better for me to do it as late as possible, or attend the next meeting.
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

Let's schedule another time for you for next shabbat but I will still keep my regular service in case anyone shows up.  I don't mind doing to twice.  So you can suggest a time.
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

Does 9pm your time work for you?
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

Drealm wrote
Does 9pm your time work for you?
Friday or Saturday?
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

I thought it had to be on the 26th, so Saturday. But if you can do Friday, this would actually work better for me. And if you want to do Friday I think I can do pretty much any time.
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

9pm Friday is shabbat, but 9pm Saturday is not.  The Jewish day is sunset to sunset.  So let's do 9pm Friday.
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

Okay I'll connect Friday.
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Re: Online Synagogue for Men

Can we change this thread title to "Online Synagogue Service ~ Saturdays 1pm PST"