Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

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Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

Those who live in America, what preparation have you done for the upcoming violence? Are you preparing to protect you family?

My parents, particularly my step mom are very anti gun and would not let me get one. We all know America is deteriorating. I am at a loss as to how I should protect my folks

What are your plans?
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

If your parents are opposed to people defending themselves then you should respect their wishes. Presumably they either want to be killed for sport by feral blacks or their strategy is to beg the Satanists to protect them. Either way, I don't see why anyone would want to interfere with the process.
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

Allen wrote
If your parents are opposed to people defending themselves then you should respect their wishes. Presumably they either want to be killed for sport by feral blacks or their strategy is to beg the Satanists to protect them. Either way, I don't see why anyone would want to interfere with the process.
Unfortunately there are many Asian people in the USA have that mentality. This time returning I am planning to go down with the Titanic.

 一切孝为先。this is a concept that westerners don’t understand
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

In reply to this post by Peter
There is no upcoming violence.  The elite will throw Trump in prison, steal the election, and the American people will do nothing but complain.  Modern Americans are pussies.
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

In reply to this post by Peter
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

SkydustMemory wrote
One of my parents is a little bit squeamish of guns too, so sort of in the same boat.
I don’t think it’s your dad
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
There is no upcoming violence.  The elite will throw Trump in prison, steal the election, and the American people will do nothing but complain.  Modern Americans are pussies.
BLM destroyed entire cities over Michael Brown and George Floyd….
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Re: Preparing for the coming violence and conflict in the 2024 election

In reply to this post by fschmidt
I’m afraid of the alternative I e Trump gets re elected and the Left gets violent and target whites and honorary whites (Asians)