Taco bell employee throws boiling water on sheboons chimping out and coming behind the counter

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Taco bell employee throws boiling water on sheboons chimping out and coming behind the counter


Personally, I find myself siding with the sheboons. I believe it is the duty of fast food workers to worship their customers, and it is the corporations' job to instill a slave mindset in them. If you are a fast food worker and you fuck up someone's order, then you deserve to have sheboons come behind your counter and start chimping out. Some say it's an important psychological need that the workers need their own territory, a line that customers don't cross. But I worked for years in an open cubicle, and it was distracting when people would walk behind me, but that was it. Who do these fast food worker pricks think they are that they need "territory"?

Once in Manhattan I was in a scum hipster coffeeshop and the worker was behind a little counter that was surrounded by waiting space. The room was packed, so I was waiting kind of on the side of the counter. When the coffee was ready the worker the homosexual hipster faggot worker got upset at me because I reached for the coffee from the side of the counter instead of the front. He said "Id rather you not reach behind here", and gripped the coffee so that I wouldn't take it. And then he had me walk around the crowd to the front of the counter before letting go of the coffee and letting me take it. Fuck these territorial assholes. I hope more sheboons chimp out at them.
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Re: Taco bell employee throws boiling water on sheboons chimping out and coming behind the counter

Why pick sides?  They are all modern scum, so the more they harm each other, the better.