Talking to women

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Talking to women

A few weeks ago I was at a religious festival and an attractive young woman sat a seat away from me. I could see her looking at me in my peripheral vision and when I would look in her direction she would start playing with her hair. Things like this happened several times throughout the night. I got the feeling she wanted me to talk to her but I did not. First she seemed like a slut based on some things I overheard her saying, so I thought I would probably have no future someone like that anyway.

Second, even if it was someone I had a future with, what would I say? What are you supposed to talk to women about? If I were speaking to a man we would discuss common interests but I don't have any common interests with women. So is small talk the only option? I am physically incapable of making small talk because I am only able to talk about things that have a point, and small talk has no point. Out of all things, why is small talk the thing you have to be good at in order to socialize with women? This is so stupid.
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Re: Talking to women

The obvious topic would have been things related to Bahai.  Like ask her if she attends gatherings.  If not, tell her that you are trying to find events that would attract Bahais and what would she suggest.  One can talk to women about things of substance, what one has to avoid is abstractions which women don't understand.
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Re: Talking to women

The women wouldn't be interested in the things he knows. He would just come across as a weirdo.
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Re: Talking to women

R.C. Christian
In reply to this post by fschmidt
fschmidt wrote
One can talk to women about things of substance, what one has to avoid is abstractions which women don't understand.
Except women on the so-called Autism spectrum (Asperger's). They are the kind of women the OP should look for and "feel at home" with as a reward. While most of them do what's called "masking" or "camouflaging", one can spot them by their behavioral patterns, personality and even physical traits.