The Black Man's Burden

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The Black Man's Burden

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After seeing White South Africans first hand, I am convinced that Whites as a race are doing far better in South Africa than in America and most other white countries. Even white countries that are thought of as "traditional" are going to shit, for example my Polish coworker mentioned that within the last year all young Polish people have started getting tattoos. But White South Africans don't have tattoos. They are not fat. The women are attractive and you see them walking with ordinary looking men. They are not loud and obnoxious like American Whites. White South Africans just seem like decent people.

Why is this? Why do White South Africans seem decent when whites in all other countries seem like scumbags? I think the key difference, and the key thing keeping White South Africans from degenerating, is that for the last 30 years White South Africans have been governed by Blacks. It seems to me that Whites are just incapable of governing themselves anymore, because any government Whites create will just end up deteriorating into liberalism that will work against their interests. So whites need to ultimately be governed by non-whites in order to prevent this from happening.

Consider Orania. It is an all-white Afrikaner-only community in South Africa. It is a community built with the purpose of working in the interests of White Afrikaners. Of course, Orania has white leadership, but this is not what is important. What is important is that the Black South African government lets them be. Something like Orania would never be possible in a white country like America. White governments like America would pass laws to make things difficult for Oranians, so Orania would not survive in America.

The inefficiency and corruption of a black African government also works in the interest of whites. Even though white South Africans make 3 times the salary of black South Africans, White South Africans are still much poorer than any other group of people of West European descent than I can think of, and I think the black run government is probably responsible. Preventing whites from making too much money has a similar effect as preventing someone from eating too much food. Excess wealth spoils people and causes them to degenerate. White South Africans make enough money to get by, but thankfully the black government of South Africa prevents them making so much money that the wealth becomes harmful, like in the USA and Europe.

Whites need to get together and admit their shortcoming. They need to understand that they are not capable of governing themselves, and that for the sake of their own benefit, their government should be run by blacks. Whites should come together, and hand over the leadership of their countries to black rulers. And they should be grateful to the blacks for ruling over them.
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Re: The Black Man's Burden

Fschmidt made similar comment on Latin America that Latin governments are too corrupt and ineffective to be invasive in your life