Tip for searching for viral videos

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Tip for searching for viral videos

One thing that really irritates me is how difficult it is to find a specific viral video that I am looking for using YouTube's search function. I search for the title, but none of the top results are the actual video. They might have a thumbnail that is a still from the video, but then you click on it and instead of showing the video, it shows a guy doing a commentary about the video. That is not what I want to see, I just want to see the video!

Today I saw a headline that said that a government official named Stuart Seldowitz went on an anti Muslim rant. When I went to search for the video on YouTube, I could not find the video. But when I searched for it on Rumble I found it right away. All I had to do was search "Stuart Seldowitz", and the raw unedited video of the rant was the first result.

So my tip is that when trying to find a particular unedited raw viral video, use Rumble instead of YouTube search.