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I can think of 3 reasons to work: for money, for power, and for freedom.  Money and power are correlated, and freedom is inversely correlated with both.  To determine what kind of work one should do, first one must choose which of these 3 is one's goal.

The Old Testament takes a clear position that the goal should be freedom.  The Old Testament sides with shepherds against farmers because at that time shepherds had more freedom even though they had less money and power.  The Old Testament also encourages people to leave centers of power, both in the exodus from Egypt and Abraham leaving Ur.  This also is for freedom while giving up the opportunity for wealth and power.

In modern times, we have a few options for work: regular employment, specialty employment, big business and government, investing, small business, internet business, and family farming.

Regular employment is the modern equivalent of serfdom.  It produces some money, zero power, and minimal freedom.  It is only for people without the drive to pursue the other options.

Specialty employment includes things like doctor, lawyer, and possibly programmer.  This produces good money, some power, and some freedom.  Doctors and lawyers are protected by what is effectively a guild.  This means that they are not serfs, so are better off than serfs.  But their freedom is still limited by their guild whose rules one cannot break.  This applies even if one goes into business for oneself.  Programmers have no guild, so they are just high paid serfs with minimal freedom.

Big business and government are basically the same.  This category includes any kind of work associated with these including climbing the ladder, providing services to them, and starting a big business with venture funding.  This work produces money, power, and no freedom.

Investing produces money, some power, and freedom.  So it is great for those who can do it.  It requires both analytical skills and social skills.  The social skills are needed to be in tune with what is going on, and to talk to the right people to get the info one needs to make investment decision.  I don't have the social skill for this, and I find it extremely boring.

Small (local) business produces some money, minimal power, and variable freedom.  The variable freedom depends on where one lives and how much freedom there is there generally.  In general, big cities have less freedom.  So a small business outside of a big city is a good option for freedom.

Internet business produces good money, minimal power, and good freedom.  The downside is that it is hard to pull off.  This is my current focus.  It is certainly easier to run an internet business in a big city where one can connect to the elite, but this sacrifices freedom.  What I am trying to figure out is how the run an internet business without being tied into a power center.

Family farming isn't enough by itself, but it adds money and possibly freedom to other work choices.  It adds money by reducing costs (of food).  And by doing this, it may increase freedom by making one less dependent on one's means of income, so more able to refuse to compromise on freedom.
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Re: Work

I always thought programmers were just glorified serfs, albeit with good money and perks.

Why don't programmers have guilds?